Frequently Asked Questions

Piano lessons for ages 3 to 99 are available at MiReDo Piano Studio.  Academic year lessons are 45 minutes for most students, 30 minutes for children under the age of 5.  

Frequently asked questions for new piano students/parents:

Q:  Will I/my child need a piano?  

A:  School aged (see below for preschool) and adult students will need a piano or a keyboard with weighted keys.  An an acoustic piano, pressing down on a key causes a hammer to strike a string. In order for this mechanism to function, tension must be maintained. Therefore, the keys offer resistance to the musician’s fingers. Weighted keys on electronic keyboards simulate the feel of playing on an acoustic piano. Playing a keyboard with weighted keys will allow a student to build a technique that will easily transfer to an acoustic piano. Digital keyboards with no weight resistance are not sufficient for piano lessons.  

Digital non-weighted keyboards are fine for preschool students.

Q:  What is the cost of lessons?

A:  See the Page Find the Right Lesson for You for tuition information


Q:  How much will I/my child need to practice?

A:  Young children need to practice about 10 minutes at the very beginning of piano instruction.  Older children should be able to focus for 15 minutes or more.  Eventually, piano practice should be in 20-30 minute sessions.  The important aspect of practice is that it be cumulative practice, in daily sessions at least 5 days a week between lessons.  

Q:  Will I need to, or may I sit in piano lessons with my child?

A:  Parents are invited to quietly observe piano lessons, especially for younger children.  Parents will be invited to come into the lesson for the last 5 minutes to receive instruction on how to help the child practice at home.  

Q:  How will I know what is expected between lessons?

A:  Lesson assignments and how to practice are recorded in the student acount online.  Parents are expected to attend the last 5-10 minutes of lessons to learn the week's expectations.  Parents should plan to check the child's progress with the assignment through the week.